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Using the New Features in Lottery Manager 4.0

Revisions A - K

Please print this document and keep it with your user manuals (Rev. K)


  • Major changes have been made to all print functions throughout all of the Lottery Manager modules. A DOS-compatible printer is no longer required. LM will use the default system printer, whether parallel or USB. Print preview is now available for all print jobs. Print jobs can now be re-directed to a file via the preview function. Printer ports no longer need to be assigned through the program; they are now handled by the Windows print functions.

(Rev. I & J


  • A new screen called 'Combined View' has been added to the 'Master Chart' analysis report. Combined View shows all numbers and their hits by position, frequency by position, and since-drawn by position. The chart also shows the amount of times each number has doubled and tripled (Dbl and Tpl), elapsed games since hit as a double or triple (SDT), and each number's most-paired companions (Pr). To see the new screen, run the Master Chart and when the initial display appears press the V key.

(Rev. G & H)


  • Source Analysis is based on the theory that one or more numbers contained in any game drawing previously appeared in earlier game drawings in a regular pattern. For instance, if your latest drawing is 1-2-3-4-5, you may find that 2 and 4 also appeared in the drawing ten games previous, and that 1 and 3 appeared in the drawing fifteen games previous, and that 5 appeared in a drawing eighteen games previous. If you check back through previous drawings and find that this is a regular pattern, then for the next drawing you would select numbers from the 10th, 15th, and 18th games back to form the basic number-set for your next play. You would start with the 15 numbers contained in those three past games (for a 5-number game), and after eliminating duplicates, end up with a set of perhaps 12 or 13 numbers. These numbers could then be entered into a wheel of your choice, or used in the Bet Maker module, to create your bets. Source Analysis automates the process of finding the pattern of most productive previous games, and then captures the numbers contained in them in descending order of productivity. Source Analysis allows you to select any range of records in your database to explore, and then to set the range of games to look backward for the 'source' of each record that is checked. Default values are included in the basic setup and can be accepted with a simple key-press. Changes to Source Analysis in revision H of Lotto Manager include a simplified setup, removal of the 'detail' feature (too infrequently used and confusing), and the addition of the 'number capture' functions. Changes to Source Analysis in revision H of Lotto Manager expanded the Capture function to include capturing a number-set through elimination of cold numbers. Unlike the capture function in rev. G, which extracted a number set from numbers contained in the most productive games back, the new capture function eliminates numbers found in the least productive games back until only the hotter numbers remain to fill the number set. To capture from the hot games back you would press the H key. To capture from the cold games back you would press the C key.

(Rev. G)


  • The 'Reduction Analysis' name on the Analysis menu has been changed to 'Root Value' analysis and the analysis has been enhanced to produce more extensive information that can be used in other modules of the Lottery Manager. Root Value is another way of classifying and grouping numbers, similar in concept to 'sum of the digits' analysis. In fact, root values are extracted from the sums in a relatively simple process. The 'sum-of-the-digits' is derived by adding together all of the numbers drawn in a game drawing. The 'root value' is derived by extending this process one step further and adding together the individual digits of the sum to arrive at a one-digit equivalent. If in the process of adding numbers a 2-digit number is created, the new 2-digit number is further reduced by adding its digits in the same manner to produce a single digit. Example: Sum 159 = 1 + 5 = 6, then 6 + 9 (the next number) = 15, and finally 1 + 5 = 6 So the root value of 159 is 6. Using root values has the effect of grouping the entire range of numbers in a lottery game into only nine categories. Root Value analysis flags root values that are overdue and allows you to set the Root Value filters in the Bet Maker to add additional focus to the bets you will be generating

(Rev. G)


  • The 'Due Numbers' report flags combinations (in 'boxed' form) that have not appeared for a long enough period to be considered due based on their normal frequency of occurrences. This analysis concentrates on two basic types of combinations; No Match Numbers (contains no doubles), and Doubles (combinations with at least one occurrence of a doubled number). The period of skips (consecutive games where a combo has not occurred in a drawing) is adjustable by the user. The report shows all combinations that have exceeded the minimum skips, along with the complete stats showing what the usual pattern for each is. The user can then select those combinations that are most obviously overdue.

(Rev. G)


  • Two new features have been added to the Bet Maker module. Bet Maker now has the ability to split large bet files 'on-the-fly' during the bet generation process into several hundred (if necessary) smaller files. This allows for easy importation into the Lotto Manager or Pick ľ Manager modules for further manipulation such as searching and editing. The Bet Maker also includes a new filter for 'Root Values' in the Bet Setup screen. This filter can be used alone or in conjunction with any or all of the other filters. See the section above on Root Values for an explanation of what they are and how they can be used.

(Rev. F)


  • Screen Scrolling Enhanced screen scrolling has been added to all major report screens. It is now possible to scroll the listings one line at a time instead of just one page at a time. The Up/Down arrow keys control the single-line scrolling. Printing Adjustments have been made for cleaner page breaks to solve a problem that occurred with some InkJet printers.

(Rev. F)

Lotto Manager 'Master Chart'

  • The Master Chart has been updated to remove features that were used infrequently or were too vague to be useful once the database reached a certain size. The 'Low-Hi Range' has been replaced by the simpler 'Longest Out', which shows the greatest number of consecutive skips for each number. The 'Current Status' has been replaced by the much more useful 'Most Paired', which shows the numbers that each number has been most frequently paired with in a game drawing.

(Rev. F)

Pick 3/4 Manager 'View/Edit' Screen

  • Added statistical breakdown of each drawing to the display screen. The screen now shows Even/Odd, Mid-point, Sums, and games-back for each drawing.

(Rev. F)

Pick 3/4 Manager 'Combo Report'

  • Added the following summary items:
  • TWO CARRIED Shows the occurrences of two or more numbers from a game drawing being carried to the next game drawing.
  • NONE CARRIED Shows the occurrences of NO numbers from a game drawing being carried to the next game drawing. The accompanying frequency information makes it easy to determine when either of these two conditions are overdue.

(Rev. E)

Pick 3/4 Manager 'Combo Report' and 'Pairs Report'

  • The Combo Report and Pairs Report are both found on the Analysis Menu. The discussion below on the Combo Report applies to the Pairs Report in every detail, except that the Pairs Report deals only with the two-number combinations found within each game drawing. Select the report desired from the menu, select your game if you have not already done so, and when asked for a record range enter the range desired or just press the Enter key twice to select the entire database. The report will begin generating automatically, and, depending on the number of records in your database, may take some time to complete. A moving bar on the screen shows the progress toward completion and will cycle twice; once for gathering the data and once for summarizing the data. Understanding the Report Screen: 1. The Column Information When the report is finished you will see ten columns of information on your display screen. The first column, COMBO, shows all possible combinations of the game numbers in boxed format. In other words, in a Pick-3 game, the numbers 123 would cover 321, 231, 132, and 312. If the letters CDN appear next to a combination, this indicates that the combination is composed of Consecutive Digit Numbers (like the example used above). The second column, HITS, shows how many times a particular boxed combination in your database was 'hit' or drawn in a game drawing. The third column, HIT AVG, shows how often, on average, a particular combination (again in any order) is 'hit' or drawn in a game drawing. The fourth column, HIT MED, shows the Median hits for a combination. The Median is the exact middle of the entire history of hits for a combination. Half of all hits for a combination will fall below the Median. The other half will fall above the Median. The fifth column, SKIPS, shows how many games have passed since a particular combination was drawn in a game drawing. The sixth column, SKIP AVG, shows how many times on average a combination will skip before it hits again. The Hit Average and the Skip Average are closely aligned and will always be very near in count. The seventh column, LONGEST, shows the maximum number of games a combination has skipped previously before being hit. The eighth column, RANGE 1, shows when a combination's SKIPS are within ten games of its Hit Average. This is an alert that a combination is within its 'due' range. The ninth column, RANGE 2, indicates when a combination's SKIPS are approximately double its normal frequency. A star in this column is an alert that a combination is becoming seriously 'overdue'. The tenth column, RANGE 3, indicates when a combination's SKIPS are approaching an area where 60% to 70% of hits normally occur. A star in this column is an alert that the combination is reaching the limits of this period. 2. The Summary Information The summary information that appears at the bottom of your report screen breaks the combinations down into their most significant types and summarizes the activity of the types. Tracking the occurrances of types can be very fruitful and a lot less grueling than tracking individual numbers and assembling them into combinations (which will always fall into one of the types shown below anyway). QUADS: In Pick-4 games only of course. A Quad is the same number appearing in all four positions in a game drawing. TRIPLES: The same number appearing in any three positions in a game drawing. DOUBLES: The same number appearing in any two positions in a game drawing. PAIR DOUBLES: A game drawing with a double and at least one other number that is consecutive to the doubled number (i.e., 1-2-2). PAIRS: A game drawing that contains at least two consecutive numbers (i.e., 1-2-4). NO MATCH: A game drawing that contains no double numbers. WILD MATCH: A game drawing that contains no double numbers amd no consecutive numbers (i.e.,1-3-5). CONSECUTIVE (or CDN): A game drawing that contains all consecutive numbers (i.e., 3-4-5). TWO CARRIED: This shows the statistics for two or more numbers being carried forward from one game drawing to the next. NONE CARRIED: This shows the statistics for NO numbers being carried forward from one game drawing to the next. 3. Using The Combo and Pair Information Effectively Game drawing numbers can be thought of and tracked in two different ways; as discrete entities that appear in certain positions at a certain rate of occurrence, or as part of a larger group of numbers that combine in certain ways at a certain rate of occurrence. While both views are valid, and while the Pick 3/4 Manager provides the tools to approach the games from either perspective, we believe that targeting the Combination Types from the summary listing and then refining the type from the detail listing is probably the most fruitful approach. A typical scenario for using the reports would be to first identify the combination type or types that show overdue by their frequency (HIT AVG) in relation to their current skips (SKIPS) and longest out (LONGEST) indicators. Next, you would scan the detail listing above the summary for the Combos (or Pairs) of that combination type that also appeared to be overdue. Once you've selected the number sets, you would simply transfer them to your play slip and play them as Boxed or as Combo type bets.

(Rev. D)

Pick 3/4 Manager 'Speed Wheeler'

  • The 'Speed Wheeler' is found on the Wheels Menu. The Speed Wheeler is very simple to use and very powerful in what it does. To use it, just select Option 1 from the menu. Indicate the type of game you wish to wheel numbers for and then enter a sum range within which all the generated bets must fall. If you don't wish to eliminate any sums, just enter the Min amd Max figures shown in the prompt at the bottom of the screen. The last step is to supply a file name (up to 8 characters) for the new bet that will be generated. You will now see a display screen that allows you enter any amount of numbers (up to a maximum of 10 of course) into each of the available positions (either 3 or 4, depending on the game). You can move forward to the next position by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard. You can move back to a previous position by pressing the ESC key. When the last number in the last position has been entered, pressing the TAB key again will let you verify that all the information is correct. After you verify the information, the Speed Wheeler instantly converts your numbers into a bet and saves the bet to the file name you specified. The bet will contain all possible combinations, within the limits of the sum range, of all the numbers that you entered, strictly according to the positions you indicated. To view the new bet file, simply exit the Speed Wheeler, activate the Bets menu, and Choose 'Select Bet'. Next choose View/Edit from the Bets menu and your new bet file will be displayed, ready for printing out and copying to your Play Slips.

(Rev. D)

Lotto Manager 'Speed Wheeler'

  • The Lotto Manager 'Speed Wheeler' is found on the Wheeling menu. The Speed Wheeler is very simple to use and very powerful in what it does. To use it, just select Option 1 from the menu. Indicate the type of game you wish to wheel numbers for and then enter a sum range within which all the generated bets must fall. If you don't wish to eliminate any sums, just enter the Min amd Max figures shown in the prompt at the bottom of the screen. The last step is to supply a file name (up to 8 characters) for the new bet that will be generated. You will now see a display screen that allows you enter any amount of numbers (up to a maximum of 10) into each of the available positions (from 2 to 10, depending on the game). You can move forward to the next position by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard. You can move back to a previous position by pressing the ESC key. When the last number in the last position has been entered, pressing the TAB key again will let you verify that all the information is correct. After you verify the information, the Speed Wheeler instantly converts your numbers into a bet and saves the bet to the file name you specified. The bet will contain all possible combinations, within the limits of the sum range, of all the numbers that you entered, strictly according to the positions you indicated. To view the new bet file, simply exit the Speed Wheeler, activate the Bets menu, and Choose 'Select'. Select the new bet file, then choose View/Edit from the Bets menu and your new bet file will be displayed, ready for printing out or copying to your Play Slips. Keep in mind that the Speed Wheeler is capable of creating very large bets that can go way beyond the budget of the average player. In order to keep the bet sizes realistic, it is impotant to still select your numbers judiciously, use as few as you can, and place them into positions where they most frequently occur. You'll find that the Lotto Manager's Optimal Range feature on the Analysis menu will be a big help in this last regard.